Apartment relocation Zhytomyr

Price: from 27 UAH/km Price: from 27 UAH/km
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Apartment or office relocation is always worries, costs, the need to find a suitable car for moving and many other troubles. As a rule, when organizing the process independently, you can face a lot of difficulties. In addition, an irrational approach can entail tangible material costs.

Features of the organization of apartment moves in Zhytomyr

The larger the living space, the more things accumulate in it. Therefore, if you need to move your acquired property from a one-room apartment, there will be an order of magnitude more boxes with things than from a three-room apartment. 

If you decide to use the services of professionals and order an apartment move in Zhytomyr in a logistics company, you can not doubt the correctness of this choice. Only specialists in the field of logistics will be able to choose the right vehicles, make the right packing of things, carefully loading boxes on the car platform, as well as deliver the cargo to the destination without any force majeure and other ambiguous situations.

Features of proper preparation for apartment relocation in Zhytomyr

  • Together with the employees of the logistics company, it is necessary to develop a preliminary relocation scheme in Zhytomyr. This must be done in advance. A few days before the shipment, everything may change, but you will keep everything under your control.
  • Before packing, go through the acquired property. As practice shows, almost half of things are sent to the trash before moving.
  • If you decide not to order packaging and movers' services, you should stock up on empty boxes and bags in advance. This is necessary so that after transportation your crystal does not turn into a mountain of glass, and household appliances perform their main functions, as before the move.

The price of an apartment move in Zhytomyr directly depends on the type of vehicle, efficiency and additional services that include cargo transportation. 

The price of apartment moves in Zhytomyr

Gazelle Five - ton Destitonnik Eurofura
грузоперевозки перевозки грузов грузовые перевозки грузовое такси

load capacity up to 2 tons

width: 1.8-1.9 m

height: 1.7-2 m

length: 2.8-3.2 m

load capacity 5 tons

width: 2 m

height: 2.45 m

length: 3.5-6 m

load capacity 5-15 tons

width: 2.4-2.5 m

height: 1.8-3 m

length: 5-8 m

load capacity 20 tons

width: 2.45 m

height: 2.75 m

length: 13 m

Price: specifyPrice: specify Price: specify Price: specify Where can I order an office relocation in Zhytomyr?


Apartment and office transfers in Zhytomyr from Mac-Trans are fast, reliable and relatively inexpensive. You can order an office relocation from us and, after discussing all possible nuances, get high-quality services at an affordable cost.

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